Sunday, April 8, 2007

Thursday, March 29th

St. Thomas. Beach day. Let's do this up. We decided to take a trip to Morningstar Beach which was beautiful and sandy and sunny and wavey. The boys all impressed us with their fish-like swimming ability and the beach front restaurant impressed no one with it's ability to charge $18 for a hamburger and $5 for a can of Coors Light. It was one of those days where you look around at your situation - playing with new friends on a spectacular beach - and you just keep thinking, "This is preeeeetty all right."
Then we met this guy! He was just chilling, eating gourmet iguana food (read: grass). Like a bunch of jerks, we cooed over this guy like we just hadn't seen anything at all amazing that day, like a picture-perfect beach. I tried to take him home in the cab with us, but settled for a high five. Speaking of cabs, getting a cab in St. Thomas is one of the most stressful and bizarre experiences. You are attacked every step you take by cab drivers, cab dispatchers, and cabs themselves wanting to take you everywhere for what might be a very inflated price. Luckily, Cody and the gang were pros at this and knew that $6 per person was too much for Morningstar, and negotiated our price down to $5! Bring it on, bartering in outdoor markets in Greece!

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