Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Where we Live

So, we live on a boat.
Isn't that weird?
This is our backyard. The Sapphire Pool on Deck 12.
We live in room 8572. Well, we almost got kicked out due to some Ecuadorians wanting our cabin, but the cruise director vetoed it. Notice the fish on the floor. The fish are always swimming forward. It is a nice hint if you are lost and trying to get home.
This blue/white dome-looking thing is our own personal droid. Just kidding. These are hand sanitizers and they are everywhere. Everywhere. This entire ship is my father's dream come true - people always telling you to wash your hands.
This is the Blue Lagoon, the 24-hour eatery on board. It is located pretty much outside our door, so that is convenient...for becoming a FATTY. They serve dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets, burgers and french fries. Mmmmmm...Notice the beautiful floor to ceiling windows. I love to have breakfast in there and write and watch the waves.
Here is a view from the Garden Cafe, which is the buffet/cafeteria eatery on board. Our first week here I'm pretty sure Steve and I were certain we would never, ever get sick of all these options. Kidney Beans! Stir-Fry! Dinosaur-Shaped Chicken Nuggets! Don't worry, it all got old already.
Here are elevators. We try to avoid them and take the stairs as to combat becoming a FATTY. See Blue Lagoon for reference.

And we really live here. Our room. Kept fairly clean, thanks to our fantastic stewards, Marianito and Caesar. Fox News is on the TV in this picture. I just realized that. Now you know how few channels we have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I guess my dream of becoming a cruise-ship designated partier has been dashed upon the rocks of reality... I seriously can't resist hand sanitizer wherever I see it now, and I was having trouble keeping my balance all day yesterday. Love and kisses from wintry Cleveland Ohio...